Justice minister: if needed Saakashvili will be helicoptered to clinic

Justice Minister Rati Bregadze said late yesterday that former president Mikhel Saakashvili has resumed taking medication to maintain strength while on hunger strike. Photo: Justice Ministry press office.

Agenda.ge, 30 Oct 2021 - 17:42, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgian Justice Minister Rati Bregadze says that ‘all safety and other conditions’ are ensured for former president Mikheil Saakashvili in Rustavi Prison No.12, and, if there is a necessity, the former president will be helicoptered to a clinic. 

Saakashvili, who was arrested in Tbilisi on October 1, has been on hunger strike for 30 days. 

He said yesterday that he suspended taking medications and communication with doctors.

Beragadze says, however, that Saakashvili has resumed taking medications and food supplements. 

An emergency vehicle is standing at the prison round the clock and doctors are always present in prison to ensure any urgent medical care for Saakashvili if it is required. Moreover, the ministry is able to helicopter Saakashvili to a clinic if it is needed,” Bregadze said. 

Bregadze stated that Saakashvili’s rights, as well as the rights of all prisoners in Georgia, are ‘fully protected,’ noting that the opposition was deliberately spreading false information about Saakashvili’s ‘poor conditions’ in prison. 

It was false information that Saakashvili did not have a mattress. He had it from the very first day of imprisonment. When Saakashvili wanted a fridge and had not enough money on the prison card, the prison administration brought it to his room. He has received more than 100 visitors, including Ukrainian MPs. Saakashvili is a citizen of Ukraine and we have expressed our goodwill and allowed Ukrainian citizens to see him in prison,” Bregadze said. 

PM Irakli Garibashvili stated earlier today that Saakashvili ‘once again cheated’ his supporters when he said that he suspended taking medications. 

After an hour from making the statement, he resumed taking medications, vitamins and supplements,” Garibashvili said, adding that Saakashvili ‘played with voters’ emotions’ ahead of municipal election run-offs. 

He stated that ‘all conform’ is ensured for Saakashvili in prison. 

The Special Penitentiary Service has dismissed reports by opposition-minded channels earlier today that law enforcers are mobilised at Rustavi Prison No.12.