The countries of the Eastern Partnership have created a catalogue of ongoing projects in need of investments, which will enable investors from the EU to examine the projects in detail, Deputy Minister of Economy Genadi Arveladze stated yesterday at a briefing.
The catalogue includes both state and private sector projects in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Ukraine.
Projects in agriculture, recycling, infrastructure, transport and tourism are the focus of the catalogue.
Deputy Minister of Economy Genadi Arveladze. Photo: IPN.
Deputy Minister Genadi Arveladze said the catalogue is ‘unprecedented’ as it collects investment projects from all the Eastern Partnership countries.
The first investment forum of Eastern Partnership will be held on July 11 in the Georgian coastal city of Batumi.
The 16th International Conference, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the EU’s Eastern Partnership initiative, will also open tomorrow in Batumi.