Ninety families, residents of a ten-story building on Lortkipanidze Street in the Saburtalo district of the capital city of Tbilisi, have been evacuated last night after a slope near the house collapsed.
Vice Mayor of Tbilisi Irakli Bendeliani said that as a result of the accident, the probable cause of which is construction in the area, no one was injured.
He said that all residents of the building were relocated to different hotels by the municipality.
Bendeliani said that 'we will determine the condition of the building and if it is necessary to strengthen it, we will immediately begin work'.
In addition, experts will examine the rock to strengthen it. Also, construction due to which the rock collapsed is currently suspended.
Until we check whether the construction was carried out in compliance with the norms, we will not draw conclusions, but we will not cover those responsible either,” Bendeliani said.
Bendeliani promised to punish those responsible to the fullest extent of the law.