In light of the unlawful detention of "jonjoli” pickers in the Sachkhere area, near the de-facto South Ossetian border, the European Union’s Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM) is calling on all parties to show consideration and understanding before any detention is made.
The EUMM has warned pickers to be more careful of where they gather "jonjoli” and asked Russian border guards to be more lenient and not detain the gatherers unlawfully.
"For many families living along the Administrative Boundary Line with South Ossetia, "jonjoli” picking is a key source of income.
Considering its importance to the livelihood of local people, the Mission urges all parties to show understanding towards pickers who may stray across the Administrative Boundary Line with South Ossetia,” the EUMM said in a written statement today.
On May 2 the first group of "jonjoli” pickers were detained. Since then the EUMM has recorded five separate incidences of detention involving 26 local villagers.
"The hotline, which is part of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) and offers parties a platform to exchange information, has been in daily use, but to date 18 people are still in detention,” the EUMM said.
The EUMM called for the prompt release of all ‘jonjoli’ pickers still in detention.
The latest incidence of unlawful detention by Russian border guards happened earlier today where seven "jonjoli” pickers from the Sachkhere province were detained.