Georgian authorities congratulate citizens on obtaining EU candidate status

Georgian authorities have congratulated citizens on the country being successfully granted the EU membership candidate status by the European Council on Thursday. Photo: Nino Alavidze/, 15 Dec 2023 - 13:08, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgian authorities have congratulated citizens on the country being successfully granted the European Union membership candidate status by the European Council on Thursday, praising the decision as “a dream come true”.  

Kakha Kaladze, the Secretary General of the ruling Georgian Dream and Mayor of the capital city of Tbilisi, on Friday said GD had “fulfilled” its “promise” on the matter, adding the country had “never stood so firmly” on the path of European integration.

With this historic decision, our European partners have told us that Georgia is a part of Europe that deserves a worthy place in the big European family. Georgia made a historic choice centuries ago, and today, we have a result of the joint efforts of our ancestors, the Georgian population, and the Government”, Kaladze said.

Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiasvili posted a video on social media showing celebrations by employees of his Ministry while watching live the statement of the President of the European Council on granting the status to Georgia. 

The flag of the EU was also symbolically displayed on the offices of the Ministry in connection with the occasion.


Finance Minister Lasha Khutsishvili also congratulated citizens on the “truly historic decision”, praising the role of “many generations” in this “huge achievement”.