Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili on Friday said his Government was working with counterparts from Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan to “remove all barriers” and make the Middle Corridor, a logistics route connecting Central Asia and China to Europe via the South Caucasus, “more attractive”.
Garibashvili made the remark at a joint press briefing with his Kazakhstani counterpart Alikhan Smailov, who is on his first official visit to Georgia, the Government Administration announced.
We have a specific roadmap that we have already agreed with Kazakhstan. This is a five-year plan, until 2027, [and] we know exactly what Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan should do in turn [to develop the Middle Corridor]”, he told the media.
“We are now making significant investments in railway modernisation, which will be completed very soon and will double the capacity of our railways”, Garibashvili said.
The PM also mentioned the Anaklia deep sea port project, earmarked for the Black Sea coastline town, adding construction of the major infrastructure would start “around October”.
Smailov also highlighted the role of Georgia and Kazakhstan in connecting Europe to Asia in transportation. He said the two officials paid “special attention” to the international transport route at their meeting.
The Kazakhstani official noted the cargo turnover through the Corridor had doubled last year, with container shipments rising by 30 percent. He added the partnering governments wanted to increase the cargo turnover to 10 million tonnes through the route in the medium term.