Parliamentary committee prepares draft resolution on Georgia's EU integration

The resolution highlights the “unwavering will” of the citizens of Georgia to integrate into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. Photo: Parliament of Georgia., 02 Mar 2022 - 11:04, Tbilisi,Georgia

The Committee on European Integration of the Georgian Parliament on Tuesday prepared a draft resolution on the country’s integration into the European Union, calling on EU member states and institutions to take all necessary steps to accelerate Georgia's accession to the Union.

The resolution highlights the “unwavering will” of the citizens of Georgia to integrate into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures. MPs state that since the restoration of Georgia’s independence, EU integration has been a driving force for its democratic development and economic transformation, as well as a top foreign policy priority.

Georgia remains a committed ally of the European Union and a pillar of democracy in the region. The implementation of the Association Agreement between Georgia and the European Union as a component of its deep and comprehensive free trade area is an important basis for enhancing the prosperity and stability in the country, as well as for full integration into the European Union,” the resolution says.

The resolution calls on the EU member states and institutions to take all necessary steps to accelerate Georgia's accession to the European Union in accordance with Article 49 of the EU Treaty.

Paata Manjgaladze, an MP of the Strategy Agmashenebeli opposition party, said he thought an approval of the ruling party-drafted resolution would be "possible by consensus". Manjgaladze called the text of the resolution "acceptable", adding it was necessary for the Parliament to adopt the resolution in an expedited manner, instead of the two weeks of further hearings currently scheduled.