Former employees of water supply company arrested for bribery

The former employees of the water supply company face eleven to fifteen years of imprisonment, while the head of the LTD Gagu will be sentenced to four to seven years of imprisonment. Photo: video grab., 16 Nov 2021 - 18:18, Tbilisi,Georgia

Police have arrested the former head of the procurement department and a consultant of the Georgian United Water Supply Company for bribetaking, the Georgian Chief Prosecutor's Office announced today.

The director of LTD Gagu has also been arrested for giving a bribe and forging official documents. 

Former employees of the water supply company have received a total of 215,025 GEL (about $68,153/€59,512) as a bribe after which LTD Gagu won two tenders in August of 2019 and January of 2020 ‘in a non-competitive environment.’ 

The Prosecutor’s Office reports that the former head of the procurement department bought an AUDI Q5 car worth 43,850 GEL (about $13,898/€12,136) in August 2020 ‘to legalise illegal income.’

The former employees of the water supply company face eleven to fifteen years of imprisonment, while the head of the LTD Gagu will be sentenced to four to seven years of imprisonment.