Party Anna Dolidze - For the People nominates founder as candidate for Tbilisi mayor

Anna Dolidze's slogan for local self-government elections will be ‘A mayor for everyone!'. Photo: Anna Dolidze - For the People., 14 Aug 2021 - 18:02, Tbilisi,Georgia

The party Anna Dolidze - For the People has nominated its founder Anna Dolidze as a candidate for Tbilisi mayor in the October 2 municipal elections.

Anna Dolidze's slogan for local self-government elections will be ‘A mayor for everyone!'.

Dolidze promises the people of Tbilisi that she will be a mayor for all the people, regardless of their political views, social origin, ethnicity or gender.

Tbilisi needs a mayor who will create a flexible bureaucracy and make Tbilisi a place for everyone, where accumulating wealth will not be the privilege only of relatives and friends close to the ruling team", Dolidze said.

The recent IRI polls published on August 3, 2021 shows Anna Dolidze in seventh place as one of the most favourable people.

Image: IRI.

Dolidze established her party in May this year.

The United National Movement party has nominated Nika Melia as a candidate for Tbilisi mayor.

The ruling party has renominated Kakha Kaladze for Tbilisi mayor and ‘is sure’ that they will receive more than 50% of votes in the elections.