Mayor of Tbilisi Kakha Kaladze and Vice-Mayor Irakli Khmaladze have presented a report on projects implemented in the field of governance and economic policy in Tbilisi in 2018-2021.
Kaladze said he is proud that urban policy has improved in Tbilisi and that 'we put an end to the chaotic development of the city'.
He said that 'a lot has been done' to improve transport policy in Tbilisi, environment, infrastructure, healthcare and social policy, culture, education, sport and for youth.
Vice-Mayor Khmaladze continued the presentation with a discussion of the economic policy of the City Hall.
He said that the budget of Tbilisi City Hall totals 1.19 billion GEL this year which is 'more than the promised 1 billion GEL' budget.
He said that in 2018-2021 more than 2 billion GEL was spent on infrastructural development, while over 1 billion GEL was spent on social and healthcare projects.
It is also important that we implement projects and programmes not only with budget funds, but also with the help of donor organisations and international financial institutions. In total, in four years, we have managed to attract about 284 million GEL in funding. As a result, we have implemented and are still implementing projects in the amount of 4.79 billion GEL in these four years", Khmaladze said.
Khmaladze said that as part of the Covid-19 pandemic various activities have been carried out to support different entities in Tbilisi from 2020 to the present.
Basically, it is the postponement and write-off of leases, the suspension of sanctions, fines. In some cases, the penalty is written off in full. Also, a reduction in the cleaning fee", Khmaladze said.
He said that 4.20 million GEL was allocated within the financial support programme for restaurants, food facilities, club industry and children's entertainment centers.
Khamaldze said that 'significant financial benefits' were imposed on the construction sector as well.
Photo: Tbilisi City Hall.
Tbilisi City Hall officials talked about a new economic model created for infrastructural development of this city, in which the business sector is involved and different projects are implemented with the private investments.
One of the projects that will be implemented within this economic model is the outdoor lighting project of Tbilisi. Currently, a tender procedure is underway and a 100-million project for the renovation of outdoor lighting will be implemented through private companies", Khmaladze.
Kaladze added that a winning company will have an obligation to attract funds and implement the project with its own funds.
Then, the amount we pay each year for electricity consumption will be directed to this company", Kaladze said.
Radio City Development Project
Kaladze said that the Radio City Development Project is planned to be implemented in Mukhiani district of Tbilisi, on 12 ha land of former radio factory area, which will be for public purposes.
He said that the project was sold for 23 million GEL.
This project will be implemented with attracted private investment, which will be about $8 million. Not only did this project cost the budget some money, but also, through privatisation, revenues increased by 23 million GEL", Khmaladze added.
Other projects
Khmaladze said that the project of replacing the pedestrian bridges with zebra crossings is actively being implemented in Tbilisi.
Where these bridges can be replaced by zebra crossings they will be replaced, and where the bridges are crossing the highways, they will be adapted according to the standard set for people with disabilities", said Khmaladze.
He also spoke about a project on the construction of residential buildings for householders affected by cooperative construction. Khamaldze said that there are more than $125 million invested in 17 construction projects at this stage.