About 21.3% of Georgia’s population is under the absolute poverty line, shows the latest data of 2020 poverty indicators published by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat).
The share of the population under the absolute poverty line increased by 1.8% in 2020 compared to 2019.
Last year 19.5% of Georgia’s population lived under the absolute poverty line.
Most people under the absolute poverty line live in the country’s rural areas.
Geostat said that the share of the population under the absolute poverty line was 27.5% in rural Georgia and 17.1% in urban areas in 2020.
Georgia’s population has slightly increased, reaching 3,728,600 people as of January 1, 2021, says another data from Geostat.
To note, average monthly incomes decreased 6.4% per household and amounted to 1,100.5 GEL, while it decreased 4.4% per capita and amounted to 321.4 GEL in 2020 in Georgia.
In addition, 541,764 people, or 14.5% of the Georgian population receive social assistance from the state and this number has increased by 83,296 individuals in the last one year, announces the Social Service Agency of Georgia.
Social assistance is the only source of income for 151,000 families in Georgia, says the agency.