Alleged recording of head of Georgian ultra-right party and Russian MP surfaces

Sandro Bregadze (L) says that part of the video is fabricated., 22 Sep 2020 - 15:28, Tbilisi,Georgia

An audio recording has gone viral in which the leader of Georgian ultra-right  party Georgian March-National Movement Sandro Bregadze allegedly speaks with the member of Russian Federation Council (an upper house of the Russian parliament) and a former employee of the Russian intelligence service, Igor Morozov. 

In the recording Morozov and Bregadze allegedly speak about the import of liquid gas from Russia to Georgia, as many households in Georgia still lack natural gas and the ‘business is likely to work.’

In the recording Morozov promises Bregadze to connect him with a Russian businessman with 20 years of experience in the gas field. 

Bregadze confirms that Morozov is his ‘old friend’, but says that part of the recording is from an old conversation. However, he did not tell which section he meant. 

He also said in a Facebook video yesterday that his phone conversations are recorded and that he has already received threats to have videos of his private life broadcast if he did not give up politics.