The Tbilisi Public Service Hall is undergoing major renovation works to fix cracks and watertight issues that compromise the structural integrity of the large building.
Commonly known as ‘the mushroom building’, the Tbilisi Public Service Hall provides most public services to Tbilisi residents. But from today and for the near future some access to the building will be restricted as work is undertaken to fix the damaged building.
A statement from Tbilisi Public Service Hall noted cracks had been detected on one part of the building, through which water was leaking and damaging the whole construction. Three separate institutions had inspected the building and all noted the damage needed to be repaired immediately.
The already damaged section faces a yard and might create a threat for pedestrians without relevant roofing and renovating works,” said the Tbilisi Public Service Hall.
The photo shows a damaged section of the building. Photo by the Public Service Hall.
"As soon as we mentioned the failure, on August 16 we studied the situation at the scene, prepared all appropriate documentation and sent it to the Levan Samkharauli Forensics Bureau and two private companies.”
All [three] conclusions read that the current damage was because of mistakes made during the building process.”
This was not the first time the building has been plagued with issues.
In 2013 the Tbilisi Public Service Hall was totally closed for several months after part of the roof collapsed.
As well as fixing the damaged roof section, alpinists hired by the Government collected debris that was left in the ceiling cavity during the construction process. Several tonnes of building matter were removed from the building.
The Tbilisi Public Service Hall was opened in September 2012 under the previous government. The current administration of the Tbilisi Public Service Hall said their predecessors were in a hurry to finalise the construction and did not think to remove the building of useless and heavy materials from the roof space.
Meanwhile renovations on different parts of the building were carried out in 2014.
Every day hundreds of people visit the Tbilisi Public Service Hall and the facility operates by issuing documents and renders services that can only be carried out by the state. It is impossible for people to get important documents such as a birth certificate or identity card, passport or marriage certificate, from anyone other than the state.