State Security Service Head, EU representative discuss situation in Georgia’s Russian-occupied territories, “borderisation”

The roles of the Geneva International Discussions and the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism meetings were also emphasised, with the sides noting the necessity of efficient application and enhancement of existing formats of negotiation. Photo via State Security Service, 15 Mar 2023 - 19:38, Tbilisi,Georgia

The current situation in Georgia’s Russian-occupied territories and near the occupation line, as well as security challenges in the country and  “borderisation” activities on shifting the occupation line, was discussed on Wednesday by Grigol Liluashvili, the Head of the Georgian State Security Service and Toivo Klaar, the European Union's Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in the country.

The conversation touched on the unconditional release of the citizens of Georgia serving unlawful imprisonment in the occupied territories, while the active participation and efforts made by Toivo Klaar and the Co-chairs of Geneva International Discussions have been highlighted.

The officials stressed the “particular role” of the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia, which ensures “stability” near the occupation line, and pointed out the “urgent necessity” of its “unrestricted access” to the occupied territories in compliance with its mandate, the State Security Service said.

The roles of the Geneva International Discussions and the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism meetings were also emphasised, with the sides noting the necessity of efficient application and enhancement of existing formats of negotiation.

The “most complicated challenges” in the Black Sea region and their possible effects on global and regional security were also reviewed at the meeting.