EU Ambassador Hartzell urges ‘all sides to exercise restraint’ following clash between political leaders

Ambassador Hartzell has condemned the violent cases which took place in the context of the upcoming elections and called for ‘swift and thorough investigations into all such cases.’ Photo: European Union in Georgia., 24 Sep 2021 - 20:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell has responded to the recent clash between the ruling Georgian Dream (GD) party head Irakli Kobakhidze and the United National Movement (UNM) party leader Nika Melia and has urged ‘all sides to exercise restraint’ ahead of the local self-government elections. 

Next week on election day, all Georgian voters should enjoy a peaceful environment, allowing them to exercise their democratic right by casting their ballots freely, safely and without fear of violence or intimidation,” Ambassador Hartzell stated. 

Ambassador Hartzell along with other foreign diplomats held separate meetings with the ruling party and various opposition party representatives yesterday regarding the ‘ongoing electoral process’ in the run up to the municipal race.

The incident between the political leaders took place when the foreign diplomats’ meeting with the ruling party was finished. 

Nika Melia approached Irakli Kobakhidze who was being interviewed by the journalists regarding the assembly after which both politicians verbally insulted each other leading to physical tension on the spot. Photo:

I regret that an aggressive exchange took place in front of the EU Delegation premises between two party leaders. I welcome however that one of them later apologised and called for calm,” said Ambassador Hartzell. 

Irakli Kobakhidze apologised to the public ‘for the words they heard from me’ soon after the incident and noted that ‘It was difficult to endure provocation and insults.’ 

Ambassador Hartzell has condemned the violent cases which took place in the context of the upcoming elections and called for ‘swift and thorough investigations into all such cases.’ 

Next week on election day, all Georgian voters should enjoy a peaceful environment, allowing them to exercise their democratic right by casting their ballots freely, safely and without fear of violence or intimidation,” stated Ambassador Hartzell. 

He also underscored that the ‘Georgian government and the political parties have important responsibilities to safeguard this right.’

The recent incident in Dmanisi was the reason for the clash between political leaders. 

Two supporters of the UNM were attacked and stabbed in the village of Gantiadi on September 21. 

The son of the GD party’s majoritarian candidate Davit Dautashvili was detained for the offence day after the incident took place.