Not that Georgia – Fox News mistakes protests in eastern Georgia for events in US state [VIDEO]

Marneuli was displayed next to the cities of Montpellier, VT, Richmond, VA, and Albany, NY, and was followed by state initials ‘GA.’ Screenshot from Fox News footage., 28 Apr 2020 - 13:17, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgians woke up today to find that one of the country’s municipalities, Marneuli, had turned into a US town after Fox News mistook footage of protests in the town for events in the US state of Georgia.

Marneuli was displayed next to the cities of Montpellier, VT, Richmond, VA, and Albany, NY, and was followed by state initials ‘GA.’

Video from Eto Buziashvili/Facebook.

This video has become popular among the Georgian users of social media. One of the users of Twitter account Tamar Gzirishvili shared the news and wrote that Marneuli got some publicity too.