The bodies of 12 people lost as a result of military conflicts in 1990s have been identified through the cooperation of Georgia’s State Ministry for Reconciliation and the International Red Cross Committee (ICRC).
Seven of them were fighters, one was a volunteer and four were peaceful civilians.
11 bodies are to be transferred to Holy Trinity Cathedral on March 15, while the other identified person will be directly buried at an ancestral cemetery in Guria region.
23 bodies of the victims of military conflicts in 1990s and 2008 August War were recently identified by the Red Cross.
The ICRC aims to find and identify the remains of more than 2,200 missing people that went missing as a result of military conflicts in the early 1990s and 2008 and inform their families.
163 bodies have been identified so far. The first identification was carried out in 2013. 121 of those identified are Georgians, 42 are Abkhaz.