PM praises Tbilisi State University on its 100th anniversary

PM chairs the commission which is tasked to arrange events for the 100th anniversary of TSU. Photo by Prime Minister’s press office., 15 Dec 2017 - 18:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili has visited the oldest university in the Caucasus region-Tbilisi State University (TSU) today to mark the day when the board of the first Georgian high educational institution was established. 

The board united highly respected people in the 20th century Georgia to create the first university in the country in 1918. 

Tbilisi Ivane Javakishvili State University has always been  of more value than just an educational institution. The university has served as a center of culture and a pier of statehood in the years of hardship,” Kvirikashvili stated. 

High-ranking officials and church figures appeared at the TSU event. Photo by Prime Minister's press office. 

The PM signed a document which re-established the board of the university, composed of the TSU graduates and supporters, for its further development. 

A famous Georgian scientist Zaal Kokaia was named as the chair of the board. 

Today’s gathering was the first circle of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the university. 

Kvirikashvili stated he was happy to lead the commission tasked to arrange events for the festive date. 

The events will be held both inside and outside the country,” Kvirikashvili said.

The PM announced the rehabilitation of the second, historic building of the university, which is a monument of the cultural heritage, as well as the renovation works in the TSU Rapiel Agladze Nonorganic Chemistry and Electro Chemistry Institute, and in the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET).