A walnut orchard will be planted over several hectares of land in Georgia’ north-western Racha region using state funds from a governmental project aimed at stimulating regional agriculture.
Slightly under 29,400 GEL (about $12,850/€11,300*) has been allocated to the Velishiori agriculture cooperative within the Plant the Future project to plant walnut trees and establish an irrigation system in Khotevi village.
The Agricultural Projects Management Agency (APMA) said the Plant the Future program will provide 70 percent co-participation in buying plants and 50 percent co-financing for establishing irrigation systems. At the same time the state program will finance 50 percent of the cost of creating new seedling farms.
APMA said the Plant the Future campaign, which started in 2015, would help farmers produce high quality products that would compete with imported products in the local market. At the same time this should increase the export potential of Georgia’s agricultural products.
The goals of the Plant the Future project was:
*Currencies are equivalent with the latest National Bank of Georgia exchange rate.