Ruling party official says wanted former official’s presence in Bundestag “doubly regrettable”

Mdinaradze’s comments followed media reports that said Adeishvili last month visited the Bundestag as a part of a Ukrainian delegation. Photo: Parliament of Georgia, 06 Mar 2024 - 17:18, Tbilisi,Georgia

Mamuka Mdinaradze, the head of the ruling Georgian Dream party in the Parliament, on Wednesday said it was “doubly regrettable” to see reports of an appearance of Zurab Adeishvili, the wanted former Prosecutor General and Justice Minister of Georgia, in the German Parliament.

Mdinaradze’s comments followed media reports that said Adeishvili last month visited the Bundestag as a part of a Ukrainian delegation. 

Germany is our friendly country, one of the supporters of our country's European integration, and the fact that the wanted criminal Adeishvili - a tool of [former President] Saakashvili - who was involved in torture [and] business racketeering [under UNM], turned out to be in the German Bundestag is doubly regrettable”, he said. 

The party official said Adeishvili was a “symbol”, along with the imprisoned Saakashvili, of “all the bad things that happened in the country” under the previous Government.