Hollywood producer on tour to Georgia to showcase country’s gastronomic offerings

David Raphael Moscow, a recognised Hollywood producer and actor and creator of TV series From Scratch, is on a visit to Georgia to explore and showcase the country’s gastronomic offerings as part of a new promotional campaign by the National Tourism Administration. Photo: GNTA

Agenda.ge, 10 Jul 2024 - 10:58, Tbilisi,Georgia

David Raphael Moscow, a recognised Hollywood producer and actor and creator of TV series From Scratch, is on a visit to Georgia to explore and showcase the country’s gastronomic offerings as part of a new promotional campaign by the National Tourism Administration.

In comments on the trip, Moscow said his team had been planning filming the episode  about the country’s cuisine for six years.

We studied Georgian cuisine, and my son already knows how to eat khinkali [Georgian dumplings] without spilling the juice. However, when I arrived here, I found something very different from what I expected. Tbilisi is a truly magical city with a rich history, stunning architecture, old districts, and a diverse array of churches, synagogues and mosques”, he said.

Moscow also shared his impressions of travelling outside the Georgian capital.

We encountered farmers with their own captivating histories, beautiful mountains, and food that brings everyone together. [...] My cousin visited Georgia 20 years ago and told me it was one of the most remarkable places he had ever been. So, I have been preparing for 20 years to come to Georgia”, he added.

Maia Omiadze, the Head of the Administration, met Moscow in Tsinandali, in the eastern  winemaking region of Kakheti, where he prepared dishes with local chefs.

The agency Head said the visiting producer would be guided through regions of the country to learn about “unique” traditions and culture and Georgia’s 8,000-year-old tradition of winemaking.

The programme From Scratch covers 18 European countries as well as the United States. I think this will contribute to the promotion of Georgian gastronomy and wine, increase awareness of the country in Europe and the US and bring more travellers to Georgia”, she said.

The Administration said a video on Georgian cuisine would be unveiled across platforms and social media channels as part of the campaign, while photo material showcasing domestic culinary delights will also be rolled out in the collaboration.