Poverty in Georgia “practically halved”, with economic growth it is “expected to decrease even further” - PM

The Head of the Government stressed that back in 2012, when Mamuka Khazaradze, the leader of the opposition party Lelo for Georgia and the previous United National Movement government had been “racketeering business”, more than 1,100,000 people had been below the poverty line, and added the number was reduced to less than 600,000 during the Georgian Dream party rule. Photo via Government Administration

Agenda.ge, 31 Mar 2024 - 14:08, Tbilisi,Georgia

The poverty rate has “practically halved” in Georgia since 2012, and with the continuous economic growth, the figure is “expected to decrease even further”, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze told the media on Sunday.

Our main task is to maintain a high rate of economic growth. Last month we had 9.5 percent economic growth, which is a very high rate. [...] such conditions [...] will allow us to completely eliminate poverty in the medium term. This is one of our most important national tasks”, the PM said.

The Head of the Government stressed that back in 2012, when Mamuka Khazaradze, the leader of the opposition party Lelo for Georgia and the previous United National Movement government had been “racketeering business”, more than 1,100,000 people had been below the poverty line, and added the number was reduced to less than 600,000 during the Georgian Dream party rule.