Georgian Easter holiday prompts additional domestic flights

A flight from Natakhtari to Mestia costs ₾90 ($30/ €27.5), while the price for a ticket from Natakhtari to Ambrolauri is ₾50 ($16.6/€15.3). Infants up to three years old can travel free of charge, while children aged between three and 12 get a 30 percent discount for the flights. Photo: United Airports of Georgia, 20 Apr 2022 - 16:11, Tbilisi,Georgia

United Airports of Georgia has scheduled four additional domestic flights to Georgia's northwest Mestia and Ambrolauri towns in anticipation of the Easter holidays, the organisation announced on Wednesday. 

The schedule of additional flights to the locations in the Racha region is as follows: 

April 21

  • Natakhtari - Mestia (13:00) 
  • Mestia - Natakhtari (14:30)

April 28

  • Natakhtari - Ambrolauri (16:30) 
  • Ambrolauri - Natakhtari (17:20)

A flight from Natakhtari to Mestia costs ₾90 ($30/ €27.5), while the price for a ticket from Natakhtari to Ambrolauri is ₾50 ($16.6/€15.3). Infants up to three years old can travel free of charge, while children aged between three and 12 get a 30 percent discount for the flights.