Ombudswoman: patients at Tbilisi Mental Health Center aren't protected from violence

Georgian Public Defender Nino Lomjara says that the condition of the patients at Tbilisi Mental Health Center is severe. Photo: Public Defender’s press office., 04 Mar 2021 - 13:17, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgian Public Defender Nino Lomjaria says that patients at Tbilisi Mental Health Center are not protected from violence, inhuman or degrading treatment. 

They are not provided with psycho-social rehabilitation services, while the infrastructure fails to ensure the protection of their dignity,” said the ombudsman's report. 

She callen on the government to respond to the problem in a timely fashion. 

Lomjaria says that her office has received ‘numerous reports’ of physical and psychological abuse of patients by the facility personnel. 

Psychiatric care in the facility is virtually reduced to pharmacological therapy. Some of the patients receive the minimum therapeutic dose of medication and they do not undergo psycho-social rehabilitation. The institution does not have sufficient human resources to provide patients with the appropriate level of care, psycho-social rehabilitation, information, education or support to ensure their independent living or inclusion in society,” said the report. 

Lomjaria says that the facility’s infrastructure is also outdated. 

The report is based on a monitoring visit paid by Lomjaria to Tbilisi Mental Health Center on September 15-16, 2020.