EU, US embassies praise ‘well-administered’ Georgian municipal race, regret polarisation, alleged violations

The EU and US embassies have called on the Georgian parliament to pass more laws, in line with international recommendations, to further improve the country’s electoral environment. Photo: AP., 04 Oct 2021 - 12:01, Tbilisi,Georgia

The EU and US embassies have assessed the October 2 municipal elections in Georgia and stated that the race was generally well administered, but was characterised by ‘hardened polarisation.’ 

They agreed with the preliminary findings of the OSCE/ODIHR and said that the contestants were able to campaign freely in a competitive environment, and that the election day proceeded in an orderly and transparent manner. 

The embassies regretted ‘widespread and consistent allegations’ of intimidation, vote-buying, pressure on candidates and voters and stated that  a ‘significant imbalance’ in resources and an ‘undue advantage of incumbency’ further benefited the ruling party.