TI Georgia interim report: misuse of administrative resources, politicisation of public institutions are key challenges

TI Georgia identified 10 state programmes and initiatives ‘which may be deemed to be electorally-motivated expenses,’ the report says. Photo: Nino Alavidze/Agenda.ge. 

Agenda.ge, 28 Sep 2021 - 15:46, Tbilisi,Georgia

Misuse of administrative resources during the election process and politicisation of public institutions remain key challenges in the run up to local self-government elections to be held on October 2, Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia) has reported

Other key challenges identified by the interim report of TI Georgia are as followed:

  • Ineffective investigation of alleged cases of intimidation and dismissal of the employees on political grounds
  • Harassment of opposition party candidates
  • Large-scale mobilisation of public sector employees for election campaign purposes by the ruling party
  • The use of budget programmes for parochial party interests

TI Georgia identified 17 cases of political harassment in August-September.