CoE research: Georgian prison population decreased, country still has high incarceration rate

Russia and Georgia have the highest incarceration rates in Europe. Photo: OFFFSTOCK/shutterstock., 03 Apr 2019 - 14:01, Tbilisi,Georgia

Between 2008 and 2018 the prison population in Georgia has decreased by 43 per cent. However, Georgia is the second in Europe by its high incarceration rate, the Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics for 2018 (SPACE) reads.

The statistics of 2008 read 445 inmates per 100,000 inhabitants in Georgia, while the figure was 252 per 100,000 in 2018.

CoE says that the number of inmates in the Georgian prisons was increasing until 2012 [under the United National Movement], with 516 inmates per 1000,000 in 2012.

The report says that the decrease kicked off from 2013 [under the Georgian Dream leadership], with 219 inmates per 100,000 that year.

Countries with particularly high incarceration rates continued to be Russia (418.3 inmates per 100,000 inhabitants), Georgia (252.2), Azerbaijan (235), Lithuania (234.9), Republic of Moldova (215.2), Czech Republic (208.8), Latvia (194.6), Poland (194.4) and Estonia (191.4). Not taking into account countries with less than 300,000 inhabitants, the lowest incarceration rates were found in Iceland (46.8), Finland (51.1), Netherlands (54.4), Sweden (56.5), Denmark (63.2), Slovenia (61.1) and Norway (65.4),” reads the survey.

CoE says that the situation in Georgian prisons meet European standards.

The report says that around €11,7 are spend on one inmate daily in the country [the figure in the EU member states in €66,5].

Azerbaijani spends €6, Armenia- €11,4 and Russia- €2,5 on one prisoner daily.

The total number of inmates in Georgia is 9,407, including those in pre-trial detention.

272 of the 9,407 are women.

Most of the inmates, 3,464, are sentenced to three to five years in prison, 78 sentenced to 20 years and 73 to lifetime.