A total of 21,276 vehicles have been inspected in Georgia as of 14 January 2019 and 11,666 of them (almost 55%) have been found roadworthy, announces Georgia’s Ministry of Economy.
As a result of vehicle inspections, violations were found in 9,613 vehicles. After the second round, 189 vehicles were still not deemed fit for use on roads and 75 have been entirely prohibited from moving on roads, said the ministry.
As of 1 January 2019, all private vehicles in the country must undergo technical inspections.
Mandatory vehicle inspections started in Georgia last year on 1 January 2018, and powerful engine vehicles (+ 3.5 tonnes) and passenger vehicles with more than eight seats were inspected during the first stage.
Vehicles are inspected following seven major criteria: brakes, steering mechanism, suspension, visibility, car lights, emissions and tires.