The Government of Georgia, with the help of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will finance greenhouse farming for internally displaced families living near the occupation line, the Georgian Ministry of Refugees has stated.
Deputy Minister of Refugees Grigol Giorgadze announced today that internally displaced families, who have already received houses from the government will be able to apply for a grant to create or develop greenhouse farms and earn incomes.
The priority will be for families with seven or more members, living near the occupation line. The maximum amount of money a family can receive for farming is 10,000 GEL [$4,000]. The project’s total budget amounts to 200,000GEL [$83,000]” Giorgadze stated.
He said that the Refugee Ministry has also increased funds to buy houses for internally displaced families in the Georgian regions.
We will be able to allocate about 32,000 GEL [$13,000] to buy a house for a multi-member family, instead of the current 26,000GEL [$11,000],” Giorgadze said.
Within the project "House in the Village”, the Refugee Ministry has purchased houses for 2,000 internally displaced families since 2013.