Central Tbilisi square to honour the “Georgian Schindlers”

A Georgian elderly man shows off an old newspaper article about how his father sacrificed his own safety for the benefit of others. Photo by Nino Alavidze/Agenda.ge
Agenda.ge, 25 Apr 2017 - 15:37, Tbilisi,Georgia

A recreational square will soon open in central Tbilisi in honour of four Georgian men who died while helping others during the Holocaust and are known as the "Georgian Schindlers”.

The Israeli House in Tbilisi today presented the project for the square that will open near the Heroes Square in Tbilisi in two months’ time.

The square will feature two memorial stones: one in name of Sergi Metreveli – a Georgian man who is named on memorial board ‘Righteous Among the Nations’ at the Yad Vashem Memorial Museum of Jerusalem; and the other in name of three other Georgian Schindlers: Mikheil Kedia, Saba Kldiashvili and Grigol Peradze.

The presentation of the Georgian Schindlers’ Square project coincided with the Holocaust Remembrance Day which remembers six million Jews, two million Romas and all other victims of the Nazi regime.