One of the world’s most widely-used online mapping services has added Tbilisi to its worldwide service.
Every street and any building in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi is now in focus on Google Maps – an online mapping service that offers satellite imagery, street maps and street view perspectives of the city.
Adding Tbilisi data on Google Maps involved a total of 3,500 km road network and 160,000 buildings. Earlier only parts of Tbilisi featured on the online map.
The process of adding Tbilisi to the mapping section of the world’s largest search engine was initiated and organised by Georgia’s National Agency of Public Registry. The Agency believed the novelty would help tourists navigate around the city as well as offer support to local residents.
Negotiations between the National Agency and Google lasted for two years before the Agency became a regional administrator of Google Maps.
Meanwhile the Agency said Gori in eastern Georgia was the next town to be added and the towns of Rustavi, Mtskheta and Poti were due to be added to Google Maps by the end of this year.