"If it was anti-terrorist operation, in this case it is permissible to say "I need two dead bodies,” a senior US official said in response a scandalous video that was leaked overnight.
Former Assistant Deputy Secretary of the United States Mathew Bryza admitted he had not seen the video yet but said the incident must be investigated.
"I have not seen the video, journalists asked me about this today. But as I am aware, an investigation has already begun.”
The video showed Georgia’s former Prime Minister Vano Merabishvili addressed people in military uniform and said he needed "two dead bodies” in exchange for a "high bonus”.
Bryza emphasized a diplomatic statement on the content of the video and background of the situation was essential.
"What was the situation and other factors? It is important to get a response to this question. Was it an anti-terrorist operation? In this circumstance it would be acceptable to say ‘I need a dead body’ but I have not seen the video and it should be investigated,” he clarified.
Bryza arrived in Georgia last night to attend a pre-arranged meeting with Georgian officials. The main focus of the meeting surrounds strategic issues, particularly in context with the Sochi Winter Olympic Games.
He is expected to remain in Georgia for two days.
Meanwhile the leaked video, which revealed plans of a special operation by former government members in military uniforms, has spread across social media since it was released late last night, January 29.
At 12.30pm today, more than 38,400 people had watched the youtube video named "Vano Merabishvili the killer".
The video was uploaded to Youtube by Appolon Osman.