Election alliance talks between opposition For Georgia, Lelo parties end without agreement

The former party, led by the former Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia, thanked Lelo  for their participation in the discussions. Photo: 1tv.ge 

Agenda.ge, 19 Sep 2024 - 17:24, Tbilisi,Georgia

Talks between opposition For Georgia and Lelo parties for formation of an alliance ahead of the parliamentary elections next month ended without an agreement on Thursday.

The former party, led by the former Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia, thanked Lelo  for their participation in the discussions.

We put aside our partisan interests and gave up everything, however the other party has asked for additional time for an internal coalition agreement. Unfortunately, it seems that the other side could not reach an internal consensus”, the statement said.

The statement noted time for “certain decisions was already limited”, adding “therefore, at this stage it has not been possible to reach the agreement”.

Our political goal is to remove the [ruling] Georgian Dream [party] from the Government without a return of the United National Movement, ensure peace in the country and end the current polarisation”, the party noted.

The statement added  “national interests of the state and citizens” had “always stood above any kind of party or personal interest”.

The Georgian President on Monday called on the Lelo opposition party-led Strong Georgia coalition and former Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia For Georgia party to unite ahead of the October 26 general elections.