Parliament Speaker slams opposition’s “coordinated attacks on Orthodox Church” as attempts to “demean values”, harm country, Gov’t

Papuashvili claimed the ruling party “does embrace the values” of the Church but the Government “is strictly separated from it”. Photo: Shalva Papuashvili Facebook, 16 Jan 2024 - 13:06, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili on Tuesday slammed an alleged “coordinated campaign” by the “radical wing” of the domestic opposition against the Christian Orthodox Church of the country, which he claimed was aimed at “demeaning” the “symbols and values around which Georgians have rallied historically”. 

The official, whose comment came following a controversy around the image featuring Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin on an icon of Russian Saint Matrona, donated to the Tbilisi Holy Trinity Cathedral by members of a political party, and around the date Georgia celebrates Christmas, also stressed the “real purpose” of the “slanderous campaign” was to “damage the Church, the Government, and, with them, undermine our joint historic endeavour”. 

This hostile rhetoric also implies that national and religious values cannot co-exist with Western, European values. However, the truth is that the two are mutually fulfilling, and even reinforcing”, he stressed. 

In details over the icon donated by the Alliance of Patriots domestic opposition group to the Cathedral, Papuashvili noted Giorgi Kandelaki, a former official under the United National Movement Government, had published a video on his social media account on the Christmas eve, alleging he had found an “icon of Stalin” in the church.