EU Ambassador: “Personal New Year’s wish” came true - Georgia starts 2024 as EU candidate country

“Further progress should lead to the fulfilment of another wish – Georgia becoming a member of the EU. By joining forces and advancing reforms, I truly believe this common wish will come true”, the EU Ambassador emphasised. Photo via EU Delegation to Georgia, 30 Dec 2023 - 12:18, Tbilisi,Georgia

Paweł Herczyński, the European Union Ambassador to Georgia, on Saturday said his “personal New Year’s wish did come true” and Georgia was starting 2024 as an EU candidate country.

In his New Year message, Herczyński noted that during his time as the EU Ambassador, he had “not met a single Georgian” who did not wish for the country’s candidacy, “so let’s celebrate the New Year and Christmas with this historic achievement [being granted the bloc’s candidate status in December] by Georgia”.