Prices of certain food products and non-alcoholic beverages, furnishings, household equipment and maintenance, as well as healthcare decreased month-on-month across Georgia in November, the National Statistics Office said on Monday.
Specifically, prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages decreased by 0.5 percent, with numbers for the specific products as follows:
At the same time, prices increased for:
The Office said prices for furnishings, household equipment and maintenance decreased by 1.7 percent, with the specific breakdown as follows:
Healthcare-related costs also decreased month-on-month by 0.8 percent, the body noted. Within the group, prices were reduced by 1.5 percent for medical products, appliances and equipment.
On the other hand, expenses increased by 0.9 percent in housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, as well as accommodation maintenance and repair (2.8 percent) and housing rent (one percent).
Overall, the consumer price index in November decreased by 0.2 percent compared to the previous month, while the annual inflation rate amounted to 0.1 percent.
The annual inflation rate was mainly influenced by price changes for miscellaneous goods and services (+9.8 percent), transport (+2.5 percent), alcoholic beverages and tobacco (+5.1 percent), housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels (+3.4 percent) and food and non-alcoholic beverages (-3.1 percent).