Hungarian FM: Brussels treated Georgia “unfairly” in “double standards” 2022 EU candidacy decision

Péter Szijjártó, the Hungarian Foreign Minister, arrived in Georgia on Tuesday. Photo: Péter Szijjártó Twitter, 12 Oct 2023 - 18:21, Tbilisi,Georgia

Péter Szijjártó, the Hungarian Foreign Minister, on Thursday said the European Union had treated Georgia “unfairly” by granting its candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova but not to Tbilisi last year. 

In his social media post after meeting with his Georgian counterpart Ilia Darchiashvili in the eastern Georgian village of Tsinandali, the visiting Hungarian official pledged support for Tbilisi’s EU integration. 

He also said the European Commission’s 57-page analytical report on Georgia published in February had confirmed Tbilisi had made “significant progress” on its European integration path. 

Europe will benefit greatly from Georgia if accession negotiations begin. Hungary will firmly support Georgia's EU candidate status when the time for a related decision comes”, Szijjártó said, and added his discussion with Darchiashvili also involved bilateral cooperation. 

The Hungarian FM is in the delegation of Viktor Orbán, the country’s Prime Minister, who started his visit on Tuesday.