Citizens opposition party MP Aleko Elisashvili on Thursday rebuked the Ukrainian foreign office following its statement on the possible resumption of direct flights between Georgia and Russia, pointing out the matter was “not for the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry to decide”.
The response came after the Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Yevhen Perebyinis on Wednesday expressed his concern about the potential resumption of the flights in a meeting with the Georgian Ambassador Giorgi Zakarashvili.
It is understandable that the Ukrainian [Government] is asking for weapons, because the country is in trouble and they need weapons. However, when the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that flights between Georgia and Russia should not be resumed, this is not Ukraine's business”, Elisashvili said.
The MP on Wednesday called on the Ukrainian Government to replace Andrii Kasianov, the country’s Charge D'affaires in Georgia, following an interview in which the diplomat said his office could facilitate evacuation of Ukrainian nationals from Georgia in case of “threats” from a “mass influx” of Russian citizens in the country that could result from the resumption of flights.
Elisashvili rebuked the envoy for having “taken upon himself the mission to spoil the Georgian-Ukrainian relations even more”, an objective he said the Charge D’Affaires was “doing everything” to achieve.