Today Georgia remembers the people who lost their lives when Moscow-directed Soviet tanks dispersed a peaceful demonstration demanding independence for Georgia 32 years ago, killing 20 people in the process and injuring hundreds of others.
Many of those killed on April 9, 1989 were in between the ages of 16 and 31.
On 9 April, we commemorate our compatriots who were brutally murdered & injured by Soviet military forces on this day in 1989, in the fight for #freedom & #independence of ????????. This day is a symbol of unity & devotion to the homeland.
— David Zalkaliani (@DZalkaliani) April 9, 2021
The date is recognised as a public holiday in Georgia.
Two years later in 1991, the first President of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia declared the independence of Georgia at the plenary session of the Georgian parliament building in Tbilisi.
A video clip dedicated to the date. Georgian dance company Abkhazeti.
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili stated earlier today that April 9 was a milestone in the history of Georgia.
April 9 will always remain a symbol of self-sacrifice for the homeland and, at the same time, freedom and unity. That is why today we remember the names of the individuals with pain and with pride who fell heroically. I bow to the bright memory of the people who, with their own devotion, paved the way for the freedom of the homeland,” Garibashvili said.
Georgian Foreign Minister David Zalkaliani has stated that the country’s fight for freedom still continues because Georgian territories are still occupied by Russia.
9 აპრილი საქართველოს დამოუკიდებლობის აღდგენის დღეა!
— Carl Hartzell (@CarlHartzellEU) April 9, 2021
1989 წლის ამ დღეს საქართველომ დიდი მსხვერპლი გაიღო და ყველამ პატივი უნდა სცეს ამ მემკვიდრეობას.
EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell has stated that ‘everyone should respect the legacy of April 9.’