US Senator Shaheen: ‘we need to seriously consider NATO membership for Ukraine, Georgia’

US Senator Jean Shaheen says that Russia’s first play to subvert democracy in Eastern Europe started with Georgia. Photo: Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images., 16 Jun 2021 - 14:37, Tbilisi,Georgia

US Senator Jeanne Shaheen says that the US and NATO need to seriously consider NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia, or at least provide a clear path for entry. 

In her op-ed for US Today titled ‘A wake-up call for the West: When Joe Biden meets Vladimir Putin, don’t ignore Belarus’ Shaheen speaks about Russia’s destruction actions in the region and says that ‘Russia’s first play to subvert democracy in Eastern Europe started with Georgia.’ 

Both (Georgia and Ukraine) want to join (NATO), which would be devastating for Putin’s plans. Since its inception, NATO has been open to countries who make the sovereign decision to join, and approved unanimously, and it should not be any different now. Reforms are required to ensure the alliance would be gaining strong allies, but failure to act would deliver a victory for Putin,” Shaheen said. 

Shaheen has recalled her recent visit at the occupation line in Georgia and urged for closer business and investment cooperation between the US, Ukraine and Georgia.