Happy Fourth of July, America:
Georgia celebrates US Independence Day

Today marks the 240th anniversary of independence of the United States of America. Photo source: US Embassy Tbilisi, Georgia/Facebook
Agenda.ge, 04 Jul 2016 - 18:13, Tbilisi,Georgia

Georgia is congratulating the United States of America (US) on the 240th anniversary of the country’s Independence.

Georgia’s President Giorgi Margvelashvili marked the occasion by sending a congratulatory letter to his American counterpart Barack Obama.

"It is my pleasure to convey to you my most sincere congratulations on the occasion of the Independence Day of the United States of America. I am delighted to reiterate that Georgia pays high importance to the development of friendly and mutually beneficial relations with your country as to our strong ally,” the letter read.
"Considering our strategic partnership, I remain confident that our joint efforts through furthering and enhancing cooperation will lead to the successful achievements for the mutual benefit of our two nations.”

Margvelashvili extended his gratitude for the US support rendered to Georgia’s statehood, democratic development as well as its "unwavering stance” supporting Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, its non-recognition policy of the country’s occupied regions and supporting Georgia’s European and Euro-Atlantic aspiration.

"Your Excellency, please accept the assurances of my highest consideration along with my best wishes for greater success in all your endeavours as well as peace and prosperity to the friendly American people,” Margvelashvili said in his letter to Obama.

Georgia’s Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili also joined the celebration by posting a special Fourth of July message on his Twitter and Facebook accounts.

"Georgia is proud to be a close ally and friend [of the US],” the PM’s message said.

Earlier this month Kvirikashvili attended a special reception honouring the 240th anniversary celebration of America’s independence at the US Embassy in Tbilisi.

The special day was marked by American staff at the US Embassy, who worked with Starvision, a group of local media companies in Georgia, to make a series of videos that introduced the meaning behind the Fourth of July.

Here is US Ambassador Ian Kelly talking about the Fourth of July and expressing his excitement to celebrate this big day in Georgia, the country that Kelly says, shares the same values as the US.