OSCE human rights experts to visit Georgia

The 21st OSCE Ministerial takes place on December 4-5 in Basel.
Agenda.ge, 04 Apr 2015 - 17:12, Tbilisi,Georgia

A delegation of the OSCE’s main human rights body is set to visit Georgia to learn about the difficult life of those living in villages that border the occupation line.

The delegation, led by Michael Georg Link, director of OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will arrive in Tbilisi on Monday, April 6.

During their two-day stay in Tbilisi, the delegation members will meet Georgia’s Foreign Minister Tamar Beruchashvili and other high-ranking diplomats.

They will also go the Georgian villages that are located near the Administrative Boundary Line of Georgia’s breakaway Tskhinvali region (South Ossetia), and then to Tserovani, a Georgian settlement inhabited by the people who were internally displaced as a result of 2008 Russia-Georgia war.

The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the world's largest security-oriented inter-governmental organisation. Its mandate includes issues such as arms control and the promotion of human rights, freedom of the press and fair elections. It has 550 staff at its headquarters in Vienna, Austria, and 2,300 field staff.