New GPS offers adventurers more safety in Georgia

Georgia's Ministry of Internal Affairs has introduced a GPS tracking device to promote safety for hikers., 12 Feb 2015 - 13:32, Tbilisi,Georgia

Hikers, adventurers and those exploring Georgia can experience more peace of mind when travelling thanks to the introduction of a Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking service that will connect them with emergency services if they become lost.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs introduced the special GPS service that will allow hikers to contact the Georgian Emergency Response Centre 112 from remote areas - even if they have no cellphone reception.

The special GPS trackers were purchased by the Georgian Emergency Response Centre, using their own funds, and were aimed for tourists and individuals travelling in mountainous regions of the country. Tourists will have purchase the GPS units.

The Ministry stated the modern technology allowed officials to accurately track the paths tourists’ take and to provide greater understanding of the Georgian landscape.

Yesterday, at the international day dedicated to the Emergency Response Centre, the Ministry signed an agreement with local tourist operators to promote the new product with visitors and those who enjoy hiking and adventure sports in Georgia.