Georgia promotes country’s tourism potential in China

Information about Georgia has been published in the China Southern Airlines bilingual monthly in-flight magazine., 14 Jan 2014 - 12:53, Tbilisi,Georgia

In-flight magazines and promotional TV advertisements are part of a new Georgian tourism campaign to attract Chinese visitors.

Attracting Chinese tourists and promoting Georgias tourism products in China are main focuses of the campaign.

Information about Georgia has been published in the China Southern Airlines bilingual monthly in-flight magazine. The Gateway magazine targeted business and economy passengers on domestic and international routes.

Gateway will provide the readers with full-year travel information about Georgia. Copies have been placed aboard all China Southern flights, as well as in lounges, VIP rooms, restaurants and hotels in airports throughout China.

Furthermore, a promotional video about Georgia has aired on leading Chinese TV channels.

Official statistics showed Georgia was significantly less attractive to East Asian and Pacific visitors. In particular, more than 8500 Chinese tourists visited Georgia last year but this was 8% lower than in 2012.