Georgian President calls Ukraine leader, offers support

President of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili and Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko., 13 Aug 2014 - 10:32, Tbilisi,Georgia

The President of Georgia is reaching out to Ukraine and offering his support as the country struggles to maintain its territorial integrity.

Georgian leader Giorgi Margvelashvili had a phone conversation with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko yesterday and expressed Georgia’s support to the integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.

Margvelashvili told Poroshenko he was closely monitoring the situation in Ukraine, in which fears Russian trucks laden with relief currently on their way to Ukraine would not offer humanitarian aid as intended but were a guise to move Russian troops into Ukrainian territory.

Margvelashvili said Ukraine was now experiencing the same problems Georgia faced six years ago, which resulted from Russian aggressing.

The President expressed his deep sorrow over the human casualties and the large number of refugees in Ukraine.

The leaders also spoke about regional security issues. They said it was important for the two countries to coordinate together in the international arena, including at the NATO Summit in Wales.

The leaders also noted it was extremely important for Georgia and Ukraine to implement their respective Association Agreements with the European Union as soon as possible.