Foreign Affairs Minister reviews 2013

Maia Panjikidze presented an annual report to journalists. Photo from the Minister's Facebook page, 23 Dec 2013 - 00:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

Relations with Russia are not going to be normalized at the expense of Georgia's strategic interests and territorial unity. However, the Georgian side welcomes any effort from Russia that helps to stabilize relations between the two countries.

Georgian Foreign Affairs Minister Maia Panjikidze made this statement at her press conference summing up the past year.

Initialing the Association Agreement with the EU was the key issue of Panjikidzes report. The Minister said that "the result we received at the Vilnius Summit is one of the most important successes that Georgia has achieved in 2013.

Panjikidze also talked about the NATO-Georgia relationsin 2013. She expressed her expectation that the progress that Georgia showed in the past year will be properly appreciated at the NATO summit next year.

Read the full article describing all the details of the report.