Georgian Dream party calls on official to spend less from budget

Adjara Supreme Council chairman is going to purchase a car that costs GEL 83,000 with the state budget money., 14 Dec 2013 - 00:00, Tbilisi,Georgia

The Minister of Energy Kakha Kaladze criticizes Chairman Avtandil Beridze of the Supreme Council of Adjara Autonomous Republic for spending the state budget money on luxury items.

Kaladze says that it seems like Beridze cannot realize his responsibility before the country.

"We do not mind to provide officials with the things that they need for their service, but it should be happening in accordance of the countrys general situation, Kaladze said and added that there is no need of luxury cars.

Avtandil Beridze is a member of the Georgian Dream party. The minister said that the party will discuss his case at the nearest meeting.

The chairman of the Supreme Council of Adjara had been driven in Toyota Prado and Toyota Camry produced in 2012. For the next year, he chose the same model but produced in 2014. The car will cost GEL 83,000 (about 49,000 USD) and it is going to be covered by the Adjara budget.