Minister of Justice of Georgia Thea Tsulukiani stated today that the state will take responsibility to protect the children living and working on streets.
The Minister highlighted that her body elaborated a package of amendments that has already been confirmed by the Government, which will act in favour of the category of kids.
In the draft we initiated a term-a homeless child- and a range of public services are linked with the term,” Tsulukinai said.
The Minister defined that in major cases the children living and working on streets have no identification documents that deprive them of receiving all needy state services.
The Minister says that after getting identification documents the children living and working on streets will have an opportunity to get education, state allowances and be involved in the common healthcare programme. Photo by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia.
According to the Minister the major reason of the absence was that the parents of the children or some other people responsible for the kids never ensured such necessities.
Through the draft the issue will no longer be dependent on parents or responsible individuals. The institutions caring about such children will have a right to address the Minister of Justice over the identification issues without the people’s involvement,” Tsulukiani said.
The Minister also stressed that the rights of civil servants will also broaden and they will have a right to "immediately separate a child from an aggressor.”
Of course, the separation might be appealed in a court. However, a civil servant will have a right to swiftly address to the problem to avoid some regrettable outcomes,” the Minister said.
Tsulukiani said that the amendments would ensure protecting of rights of the children living and working on streets, noting that the package of amendments were adopted together with different ministries and relevant organisations.