Ruling party Honorary Chair hails Gov’t “dedication to peace”, “development”, warns of “foreign-influenced hostile forces”

“Despite these promising figures, we must not be complacent. Such results cannot be achieved effortlessly. The progress shown by our Government requires vigilance and protection. Our goal is to enter the European family with dignity and strength, and I am confident that nothing and no one can hinder Georgia’s progress”, the former Prime Minister asserted. Photo: Georgian Dream press office., 10 Oct 2024 - 23:06, Tbilisi,Georgia

Bidzina Ivanishvili, the Honorary Chair and founder of the ruling Georgian Dream party, on Thursday hailed the Government’s “unwavering dedication to peace and development in all sectors,” a commitment he noted has been recognised by international ratings,  and urged the public to prevent the return of “hostile, anti-state forces acting under foreign instructions” to power.

In his election campaign address in the city of Batumi of western Georgia, the official stressed the importance of peace and highlighted the country’s progress since the GD took office in 2012. He warned the “radical wing” of the domestic opposition - the former ruling United National Movement and affiliated groups - would “drag the country into war” if they returned to power.

Obviously, peace is the foundation of everything, without which nothing can be achieved. But we are not just about peace. Beyond that, the GD constantly pursues the right policy in all areas. We are making advances in the human well-being index, budget transparency, and Georgian justice. Our society is entirely free from government pressure. We are reducing poverty step by step”, Ivanishvili said. 

He stressed “I would like to share something interesting - considering our correct policies and international ratings, the International Monetary Fund has published a forecast for Georgia. This highly respected institution released a long-term projection of the global economy until 2030. In this ten-year forecast, Georgia ranks among the top three in the world in three key areas. According to the ten-year growth rate of real GDP per capita, Georgia is projected to be among the top three globally by 2029. Moreover, we are the undisputed leader in economic growth across Europe during this period”, he said. 

The Honorary Chair highlighted Georgia's GDP per capita, in US dollars, was expected to exceed $12,900 by 2029, and added “if the current growth rate continues, it will surpass $14,000 by 2030, which would likely qualify Georgia for high-income country status according to World Bank classifications. By 2029, Georgia’s economy, measured by purchasing power parity, will be larger than that of six EU member states”. 

Despite these promising figures, we must not be complacent. Such results cannot be achieved effortlessly. The progress shown by our Government requires vigilance and protection. Our goal is to enter the European family with dignity and strength, and I am confident that nothing and no one can hinder Georgia’s progress”, the former Prime Minister asserted. 

“Advising” opponents to “look at” the country’s rankings in international indexes when they criticised the moves of the GD authorities, Ivanishvili highlighted: 

  • According to the 2024 Freedom and Prosperity Indexes of the Atlantic Council, Georgia ranks among the top five globally in terms of 10-year progress in prosperity, and ranks first worldwide for 11-year progress.
  • In the Open Budget Index, Georgia still ranks first among 125 countries globally, among nations with full transparency. Do you remember when a political leader [former President Mikheil Saakashvili] treated the budget as his personal pocketbook? Today, Georgia ranks first in terms of budget transparency out of 125 countries in the world.
  • Georgia is also among the top ten in Europe for freedom from government interference in judicial justice. Do you remember how court rulings were manipulated before [2012]? Today, government influence is so minimal that Georgia ranks in the top ten in Europe for judicial independence.
  • With 11 years of progress in reducing government violence, Georgia ranks third worldwide. Do you recall the times when people were being mistreated and killed in the streets [under the UNM leadership]? Today, Georgia is third globally in protecting its population from government violence, an achievement we can certainly be proud of.
  • In terms of civil liberties, Georgia ranks ninth globally, third in Eurasia, and first in Europe after 11 years of progress. Free citizens are driving businesses and bringing success to the country. Look at the incredible progress we have achieved in this area.
  • According to the World Bank, in 2024, the level of international poverty in Georgia will drop to a new historic low, and after 12 years of improvement, Georgia will be among the top five in the world. It is important to remember that what usually takes 25 or 30 years to achieve has been done in just 12 years here, with truly remarkable results in reducing poverty.

GD “returned dignity” to Georgian people 

In his address, Ivanishvili reflected on 12 years of GD governance, claiming “we have returned dignity to the Georgian people”. 

He highlighted the “very difficult conditions” Georgia faced under the previous government, including “widespread human rights violations, property confiscation, and business racketeering, particularly in the Adjara region”. 

You well remember what happened 12 years ago in Georgia, when human rights were trampled underfoot. Murder, torture, and confiscation of property were the daily routine of this country”, Ivanishvili said, pointing out how Adjara, "this blessed region”, was used as a "playground by the previous government for personal gain”, he said.

He further accused the former administration of “ignoring the will” of the local population and enforcing submission.

The Honorary Chair also recalled the promises made by the GD in 2012, stressing the party's commitment to restoring the dignity of the Georgian people.

 We promised you that if you trusted us, we would return the stolen dignity to the Georgian people”, he said, adding “we believed, and still believe today, that the starting point of politics should be the people, with the government serving as the main guarantor of their rights”, Ivanishvili added.

The official expressed pride in the progress Georgia had made over the past 12 years, citing “improvements in government institutions, healthcare, the economy, and social services”, and added the country “now adheres to European standards in law enforcement and justice, and that every citizen can live with dignity, regardless of their ethnic or religious background”. 

However, Ivanishvili acknowledged that challenges remained, particularly in the fight against poverty. 

We have significantly reduced poverty, although we understand that we must continue working in this direction even more actively”, he said, linking poverty and the ongoing occupation as Georgia's “primary concerns”.

“UNM, affiliated groups” are a “threat” 

In his comments, Ivanishvili warned of the dangers posed by the UNM, accusing them of attempting to return to power through unrest and aligning with foreign interests to “drag Georgia into conflict”.

The official pointed to the “development and stability” achieved under th GD leadership, saying “despite significant progress, evident not only in Adjara but across Georgia, the UNM, whose defining trait is to divide society and fuel conflicts, is relentlessly attempting to return to power”.

He further alleged the UNM, “with foreign backing”, would open a “second front” of conflict in Georgia if they regained power, comparing the situation to the 2008 Russia-Georgian War.

They are willing to drag the country into a war, much like the betrayal of 2008, which resulted in lost lives and territories”, he stressed. 

Call for a Constitutional majority

In his address, Ivanishvili highlighted the importance of the GD’s securing a Constitutional majority of at least 113 seats in the 150-member Parliament to “prevent the return of the UNM” and its policies. 

This cycle must end once and for all. That is why it is crucial for the GD to secure a Constitutional majority on October 26”, he urged, adding that such a victory would allow the government to ban the UNM and its affiliates.

We will constitutionally ban the UNM and its affiliated or successor parties, clearing the way for fresh, healthy political forces”, the official pledged. 

He also promised that “every traitor responsible for war crimes will face the strictest legal consequences”. 

Strengthening family values and the Orthodox Church

Ivanishvili also outlined his vision for strengthening the country's cultural and religious institutions if his party wins the necessary majority.

 With a constitutional majority, we will solidify the will of the Georgian people in the Constitution, protecting the interests of minors and family values more strongly than ever”, he claimed. 

The official further promised to take concrete steps to “safeguard and strengthen the Orthodox Church, reflected in the Constitution”, while maintaining Georgia’s tradition of religious tolerance. 

Peaceful reunification and territorial integrity

Ivanishvili’s message also focused on the long-term goal of peaceful reunification with Georgia’s breakaway regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali (South Ossetia). 

He suggested that global and regional developments could present new opportunities for dialogue and territorial reintegration.

A peaceful opportunity to restore territorial integrity could arise at any moment, requiring Constitutional changes to adapt to this new reality”, Ivanishvili asserted and reaffirmed the UNM would be an “impediment” to these efforts, calling their reactions to reconciliation talks “hysterical”, he noted.

In his conclusion remarks, the official framed the forthcoming vote as a “key moment” for the future of Georgia, saying, “the choice is clear - the GD remains the only political force in Georgia that is truly committed to the well-being of its own country”. 

Only we can complete the work we have started and lead Georgia to join the European Union with dignity, peace, and prosperity. In contrast, from outside the country, those are portrayed as an alternative force that brings war, destruction, and chaos”, he claimed.

The official added “that is why, on October 26, we must once again save our country and make a crucial choice - between slavery and freedom, submission to foreign powers and sovereignty, war and peace”.