Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on Wednesday said he hoped this year's Summer Olympic Games in Paris, set to start on Friday, would see an “all-time high” number of medals and gold medals won by the country’s team.
In his interview with Rustavi 2 TV channel, Kobakhidze highlighted the “outstanding” national team by saying “we have great achievements both in team and individual sports”.
I looked at our Olympic squad, and we have a really outstanding team this year. There are many Olympic champions and prize winners, world champions and prize winners, European champions and prize winners. We have an outstanding team and of course we have very high hopes that this year's Olympics will be all-time high in medals won and gold medals”, he said.
“This should be our task, and I really hope that our athletes will achieve this result. Georgian sports have taken a very good pace, we have great achievements both in team and individual sports. Of course, I would like to wish all 28 of our athletes great success in this Olympics”, he continued.
The PM further added that he would be present at the opening of the Games on Friday, where he had been officially invited.